Look at all the left over snow from the last storm. There's so much snow at my school.

The pile left in front of a smart car.

This cute dog was standing so majestically on the snow pile.

My boyfriend and I went snowboarding and here are the boards we used.

Here is my boyfriend helping his bro fix his board.

I say my snowboarding is finally getting better. I practiced a lot on the bunny slope this time so I can go on the mountain with my boyfriend next time I hope!
I had a good birthday, I hope your daddy did too! :D
I dk about the snow in NYC... but I'm REALLLLLLL sick of the blizzards and winter weather here in Michigan. Maybe it's because I don't know how to ski or snowboard or anything so I can't enjoy it.... meh.. :(
The snow just keeps coming here in NY.
How cold is it over there in Michigan?
This week has been pretty chilly here like in the single digits at night.
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