Friday, December 31, 2010

Samples for the ending of the year!

The snow here in NYC is pretty steep and still haven't quite melted. What a way to end the year!!
Here are some of my storm pics taken indoors because I didn't want to get blown away.

This was the beginning...notice the height of the snow on the fence.

Now look where the snow is on the fence...

Daybreak and I see this.

Enough about the snow! Here are the samples and deals!!

Yoplait is giving away 1 FREE cup of yogurt here.
Grab them fast before they're gone!

Get your FREE sample of Tide+Fabreeze here for cleaner laundry this coming year.

Combat crazy snow storms with the SnoBrum Auto Snow Pusher here from Walmart for $15 + $0.97shipping.

Looking for new jewelry? Pick up the Juicy Couture 'Large' Enamel Hoop Earrings here from Nordstrom for $25.97. Shipping is $8 and don't forget the sales tax.

Wish you all a Happy New Year and happy shopping!!!

1 comment:

Sam said...

It is very nice. Love to see these types of designs.
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